Invergo Kickstarter – An Automated Pour Over

The Invergo Kickstarter campaign began just recently, featuring a very cool automatic pour-over machine that can easily brew expertly crafted cups of coffee.
Invergo Kickstarter
✍ Written by: Garrett Oden
📅 Published: October 3, 2013
🗃 Filed under: EQUIPMENT

The Invergo wasn’t fully funded back in October, but it’s back! This time with a more reasonable funding goal and an improved product. All the information on this page from their previous Kickstarter campaign is still solid, but Cameron Hughes has published more information and crafted a new video to show off his sweet coffee maker. Make sure to check out the new Invergo Kickstarter campaign!

Another Kickstarter campaign has been formed and has received noticeable attention in the specialty coffee world: The Invergo. This is a project has been in development for over a year and the effort is shown in the design and functionality.

Take a look at the Invergo Kickstarter video!

You may have to refresh the page in order for the video to show up – we apologize.

Automated Pour Overs

The primary function of the machine is to create expertly-crafted pour over drinks automatically. This is a feat that has been tempted many times in the past, but has ultimately proven inferior to manually pouring due to many reasons. The developer of the Invergo, however seems to have picked up on those shortfalls and worked hard to pick up the slack.

Invergo Kickstarter

The Invergo

For starters, the water spout doesn’t simply spin in a circle like many previously attempted machines. It uses a patented swivel that saturates all the grounds evenly, or so it boldly claims. Another problem many many automatic coffee brewing machines face is temperature control. Be it too hot or too cold, most machines simply don’t have the proper mechanics to brew coffee using a precise temperature. The Invergo claims to have solved that problem.

One of the most important factors when brewing coffee is temperature constancy. Most coffee machines use a heating element that is unregulated resulting in temperature fluctuation of up to 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Invergo is revolutionary; it uses an instant water heater that keeps the temperature within 1 degree of its setting.

The pour over sequence can be used with just about any pour over brewing method like the Hario V60 or Kalitta Wave. The center magnetic tray for pour over cones is even removable in order to fit a Chemex! That’s cool!

Cold Brewing

Invergo Kickstarter

Touch Screen Settings

If the Invergo wasn’t already super cool, the cold brew feature should capture your attention. The spout can consistently and accurately send drips of water through the grounds at a rate and volume of your choosing. This drip method of brewing coffee cold is typically expensive to utilize, unless you’re going to invest in another recent Kickstarter, the Cold Bruer. The other alternative, the immersion method, is also amazing.

The Conclusion

It seems that the Invergo Kickstarter could go all the way with an incredible list of solid features. If you pledge an early bird $150 now, the Pro version can be yours, but the grand release product will be around $200, which is excellent if you would consider putting that kind of money into a Keurig.

But here’s the real question: will the Invergo capture those in the specialty coffee community, or is it going to be geared toward a less particular market? It may be difficult to convince home brewers to stop pouring over manually, but the masses that are used to a quick, automatic cup may eat the Invergo Kickstarter up.

Garrett Oden

Garrett Oden

Coffee Industry Writer

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  1. cara Lydas

    This look really awesome defiantly backing this project.

    • Garrett Oden

      Yes it could definitely be the automatic pour over machine the world needs! Are you going to back enough to get yourself a product?