Alloy Coffee Launches With a Unique Model

A cousin of mine, Allison, her husband, Will, and his brother, Derek, have launched Alloy Coffee in Cincinnati, Ohio fueled by their vision of improving the lives of coffee farmers around the world. The Alloy Coffee model sources a single coffee and directs all the profits toward a single project somewhere in the coffee world. […]
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✍ Written by: Garrett Oden
📅 Published: October 22, 2015

A cousin of mine, Allison, her husband, Will, and his brother, Derek, have launched Alloy Coffee in Cincinnati, Ohio fueled by their vision of improving the lives of coffee farmers around the world. The Alloy Coffee model sources a Alloy Coffeesingle coffee and directs all the profits toward a single project somewhere in the coffee world.

Their current coffee is a Santos, Brazil bean. It’s an extremely approachable coffee, chocolaty, nutty, and smooth. The current project aims to fund a greenhouse in Mavuno Villiage, Tanzania in order to provide produce to stimulate the local economy and offer hope for the village’s orphans and vulnerable children.

I recently interviewed Will Garde about their mission and procedures. You can read it on Daily Coffee News.

If you love great smooth coffee and supporting transparent causes, don’t hesitate to order a bag of Alloy Coffee’s Brazil Santos.

Garrett Oden

Garrett Oden

Coffee Industry Writer

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