5 Advantages of Brewing Coffee Manually

I didn’t like coffee until I had my first sip from a french press. No milk, no sugar, just black as can be. It was more flavorful than any coffee I had ever tested so far, and I was hooked immediately. It wasn’t long before I purchased my own french press, this one, and bought […]
Kris Atomic 39750
✍ Written by: Garrett Oden
📅 Published: September 5, 2013

I didn’t like coffee until I had my first sip from a french press. No milk, no sugar, just black as can be. It was more flavorful than any coffee I had ever tested so far, and I was hooked immediately.

It wasn’t long before I purchased my own french press, this one, and bought some high-quality beans from a local roaster.

Since that fateful day that I bought my first brewing method, auto-drip and Keurig drinks have not been satisfying.

Here are five serious advantages of brewing coffee manually, instead of relying on an automatic machine.

1. Your coffee will be more flavorful

Poor temperature control and volume management result in uneven extraction in most traditional coffee pots, causing the final drink to be more bitter than it needs to be. An alternate brewing method, such as french press or pour over, however, will enable you to use just the right ratios to produce a perfectly balanced drink with ease.

2. You will have more control

Even with the Keurig’s cup size and heat measurement system, the resulting drink isn’t properly brewed. Having complete control over the ground to water ratio and even temperature will improve your coffee significantly.

3. It’ll be cheaper than buying K Cups

It’s no secret that K Cups and other single-cup brewer beans are over-priced. The average pound of beans costs $50 for Keurig users, while a pound of high end, freshly roasted beans from a local or internet source will rarely be above $20. That’s a bunch of money being saved, despite the major upgrade in coffee quality and taste.

4. It looks and feels great

Nothing says “classy” more than a person calmly and patiently preparing a delicious cup of coffee using a press pot or Hario V60.

Although it may take a moment more to prepare than you’re used to but, the payoff in coffee quality, increased patience and appreciation toward each cup are well worth adding a couple minutes to your day.

The mental benefits of making a cup with care and enjoying it are immense.

5. It will open you up to a new world

The world of specialty coffee is much larger than I ever imagined possible, and the journey I’ve begun into that world has opened me up to new people, new ideas, and new opportunities. I invite you to sell or store your traditional coffee pot or Keurig, to leave behind what you’ve always know. Brewing coffee is not about caffeine, but about appreciating one of the most unique and versatile beans on the planet.

Life’s too short to drink bad coffee. If you’re ready to take the journey into a world that will blow your mind, check out the getting started guide!

Garrett Oden

Garrett Oden

Coffee Industry Writer

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